Strike in child care centers | The label protects its privilege for academics

Strike in child care centers |  The label protects its privilege for academics

(Montreal) Sonia Lebel, chair of the Council to Treasure, defended her privileges for educators at childcare centers, while the second day of the strike for childcare workers at CSQ continues.

Leah Levsky
Canadian Press

Currently, a qualified CPE educator earns $ 19 per hour on the first step and up to $ 25.18 on the tenth and final stage.

Minister Lebel says the government offer will increase to $ 21.38 in the first phase and $ 28.31 in the tenth and final phase.

Photo by Jacques Poissonad, Canadian Press

Sonia Label

But the extension of the working week to 40 hours a week was proposed by the Quebec government. During such work week, the government offer will increase the compensation to $ 22.27 in the first phase and $ 29.20 in the 10th.e The minister underlined.

Thanks to his offer the Minister talks about “a substantial increase in the salaries of academics”. He argues that in some cases wage increases can reach 17%.

But the Federation of Early Childhood Workers, affiliated with CSQ, argues that the offer includes a $ 50 bonus for 40 hours a week, and not a percentage pay rise. Premiums are not calculated in the calculation of the pension plan, for example, rejects FIPEQ.

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