Why I took health measures

Why I took health measures

In March 2020 I was vaccinated three times, even though I was suffering from Govt disease. According to the government, I belong to these very rare exceptions to school-related pollution. Don’t stop repeating to public officials that “schools are not a broadcasting machine”, justifying the recent reopening of classes. Let them say it again to my colleagues who are currently lonely because one of their children caught this nonsense in kindergarten. Let them do it again in all similar cases I have known for months. In December 2021, more than 40% of schools were erupted. A random.

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Due to the nature of my job, it’s not a question of whether I’m going to catch Govt, but I always know when. I strictly adhere to health measures that I believe should be vaccinated (because science has shown us the effectiveness of this type of vaccine) but make sure I do not overload the administration’s failed health system for decades.

But here it is: on the contradictory conclusions and statements marked by the proverbs of our government, it is not a lie, I must face the facts: without being a conspirator, I doubt. I doubt everything they tell me, all of which support one thing and justify the opposite. No mask, no mask. Curfew, no more curfew orders.

What bothers me the most is my view of the state of the schools where I work as a teacher. Contrary to the elegant words of our Minister of Education, nothing or almost nothing has been done to correct anything in these places. That is exactly where the $ 432 million allocated to schools and provided by the federal government was spent. No matter how much he asks Roberg, he is content to give blank answers as if he considers himself above his duty to justify the costs of his department. And he is not accountable to the people. Why such a glossary in a government that constantly claims to be transparent?

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Also, how can schools be declared safe by testing only a fraction of the classes – where ratings are more recognized than questionable? The delayed and dangerous installation of CO2 detectors, according to an unknown protocol, reveals to many teachers that they have been suspected for years of having colds and respiratory problems: Ventilation in some schools is a real disaster. In some cases, recent measurements indicate that CO2 levels in some classes are 1290, 1400 and 1600 PPM … However, according to the Ministry of Education, CO2 levels above 1000 PPM can be detrimental to academic success, even if we ask ourselves. Tolerates measurements up to 1500 PPM. The ventilation of schools will be detrimental to the learning of the youth for many years and nothing will change in terms of the present situation.

In fact, more than two years after the onset of this epidemic, in Quebec, we still recommend opening the windows to ventilate a classroom. As we like to save money on students’ health and learning expenses. In Ontario, meanwhile, more than 53,000 self-regulating HEPA filtration units and other ventilation devices have been installed.

Of course, Minister Roberg would suggest that school service centers be asked to install appropriate equipment to improve air quality in specific classrooms. If it takes more than six months to confirm the presence of simple CO2 detectors, of course how much will be required for a complex operation … After all, it seems that experts are needed to install an air purifier in a classroom. , We have already been told with all seriousness at a press conference when the time came to deny similar attempts put forward by volunteer parents and teachers.

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The Minister of Education has asked teachers to use good judgment in opening windows in cold weather. Some would point out to him that we would not be living in this absurd situation if he had not shown a little interest and organization.

As a professional who respects my work, I will continue to encourage children who are preciously entrusted to me to use the activities as I request. Also, again, there is this suffocating health network, which I do not want to exacerbate inappropriate behavior. Somewhere, like thousands of Quebecs, can I point out that this government has lost me by all these predictions and its false excuses? As a teacher, if I was foolish for a moment at not knowing how to properly wear the N95 mask, at times, I’m not foolish enough to passively accept what we are told is a little nonsense.

The systematic refusal to recognize the spread of this virus by aerosols, the vaccine among 5-12 year olds who are weak and highly motivated compared to high school students, as well as the delay in the third vaccine or rapid delivery are clear indicators that our leaders have misused this fifth wave.

Their refusal to recognize their mistakes and changing their abrupt strategy without even naming it (live with the virus – and die -) shows that we respond to this critical time by sometimes taking a little bit of scientific consideration into account. A little less pride and a little more humble leadership. A little less political, a little more true. It would have given me more reassurance. CAQ reads polls. This is what I, Mr. I would have told Leger. Like many authors.

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Luke Babino

French teacher

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