Army “in intelligence” at vaccination centers

Army “in intelligence” at vaccination centers

After Ottawa’s announcement, which surprised many, representatives of the Canadian Armed Forces began “spying” on various Quebec vaccination sites on Monday, up to 200 of them. Will be stopping in support of employees in the coming days.

Tristan Beloquin

Tristan Beloquin

Coralie Laplande

Coralie Laplande

Federal Emergency Preparedness Minister Bill Blair made the announcement on Twitter this morning: “Following the approval of Quebec’s request for federal assistance, Canadian Armed Forces personnel will begin their deployment today in support of the province’s vaccination. Campaign, ”he wrote.

Various persons working in the Ministry of Health and Social Services (MSSS) joined Press He said they came to know about the news only after seeing the minister’s statement in the media. The role the Army is called to play is not clear at this time. Their mission includes “welcoming people, vaccinating and cleaning surfaces and areas and guiding people through disinfection methods,” said Daniel Mindon, a spokesman for the center. Office of the Minister of National Defense Anita Anand.

The MSSS said the military could also do data entry or assign it to identity verification.

In the morning, a small contingent of soldiers went to the vaccination center at the Place Sports Experts in Laval to learn about the needs of the staff. Players should leave quickly and serve in the coming days.

Photo by Robert Skinner, Press Archives

Vaccine Center for Place Sports Specialists in Laval

“We are currently working with the Canadian Armed Forces on deployment assessment. Once this assessment is complete, selected vaccine sites and deployment dates will be determined,” said MSSS spokeswoman Mary-Claude Lagos.

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“Once the reconnaissance is over, we will be able to deploy a sufficient number of troops to the targeted areas by the province,” Minton said. Players can get to their familiar session soon [mardi]. At the moment, we are concentrating our efforts in the Montreal area at the request of the province, ”he added.

In Laval, soldiers will be assigned primarily for “administrative duties”, as mentioned by Lavalin’s CISSS spokeswoman Judith Coutreau in an email. “They will start training this week before they are officially recruited on the field.”

In total, up to 200 players will be employed at vaccination clinics in the Montreal, Laval, Pius and Estre areas. “Our officials continue to assess whether other federal resources can be used to assist the province in combating COVID-19,” Blair continued in a second tweet.

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