Ban on going to hospitals | “Judgment and lack of humanity”

Ban on going to hospitals |  “Judgment and lack of humanity”

Families regret the isolation caused by the new restrictions on their loved ones

Mesa Ferra

Mesa Ferra

Coralie Laplande

Coralie Laplande

90-year-old Monique Verdi will not be seeing her daughters this week. A resident of Manoer Flori, a nursing home, suffered a broken hip when he tried to get to his bed. As she has been admitted to the hospital, she will not be able to get visitors as per the latest order restricting her from going to certain hospitals.

He is being treated at St. Mary’s Hospital and the family has been advised that he will no longer be allowed to see there. A tragic opportunity for his mother, says his daughter Louise Jones.

“At that age, it is normal to have cognitive problems and harassment. It assures us that someone can be with her. She may die alone, ”he added.

Photo provided by family

Monique Verdi

MMe Verdi suffered greatly during the first wave of COVID-19, his daughter insists. She moved from an apartment where she was free to a private residence. Forced isolation during epidemics made her sad and confused, and her health deteriorated.

From a week to ten days without looking at familiar faces, a universe waiting for an old man to easily lose his bearings.

Louis Jones, his mother Monique Verdi, has been admitted to St. Mary’s Hospital

Anak Pienvenu’s father has been hospitalized since August 5 following a diagnosis of cancer. Fourth in 12 years, her daughter said with a sigh.

“Because my mom was in bed, Dad let me pass it,” he says on the phone. The 77-year-old was trying to isolate himself, causing health problems and regretting in the operating room.

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The patient’s wife donated body and soul to ensure follow-up care provided at the Center Hospitalier de l University de Montreal (Sihum).Me Welcome.

Caregivers are not just sitting in a chair and chatting. They contribute to the healing of the patient.

Anok Bienvenu, his father has been admitted to hospital in CHUM

His mother helps his father to understand the recommendations of many experts who have been following his case for months.

“Taking my mom’s visit robs me of my dad’s ability to improve on a daily basis. He will be further isolated.

This is why the ban on visits announced this week at the University Hospital worries her. “There is someone somewhere who has no judgment and no humanity. ”

Caregivers need to be protected from the virus and reduce the risk of an outbreak, he adds. But since her mother has been vaccinated three times and is needed for her father’s recovery, she sees a certain injustice in this new rule.

Prohibition or restriction of visits

Since Sunday, CHUM has banned all visits to its patients, with the exception of humanitarian causes such as “life-threatening care, death and medical assistance in childbirth,” we read in a press release issued by the health agency. The progress of the Omicron variant justifies CHUM’s decision.

Lucy Dufresne, CHUM’s Communications Consultant, said, “Visits have been allowed in recent days to bring more human Christmas to our patients.” Press.

Instead, the McGill University Health Center (MUHC) decided to restrict intensive care visits to Royal Victoria Hospital, Montreal General Hospital and Montreal Neurology Hospital. From December 26, for the next two weeks, only patients at the end of their lives will be able to receive visits from their loved ones.

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“The decision to restrict visits was taken as a preventive measure and not because of the high potential of COVID-19 cases,” said MUHC spokeswoman Sandra Chiangula.

Intensive care at St. Mary’s Hospital, Lakeshore General Hospital and LaSalle Hospital and caregiver visits to the red zones have been suspended, LaSalle’s CIUSSS spokeswoman confirmed by email.

“This decision is justified by the desire to mitigate the risk of explosions in areas under high surveillance and to avoid service disruptions,” the spokesman added. Visits for humanitarian reasons – in the case of a person at the end of life or to receive prophylactic treatment – are allowed, however.

The Ministry of Health and Social Services (MSSS), for its part, restricts the presence of visitors to hospitals, but accepts visits from a limited number of caregivers.

“The general guideline is that a patient should have a [personne proche aidante] At a time, a maximum of two per day. Relatives need to identify a maximum of four different caregivers, ”MSSS spokeswoman Mary-Louise Harvey wrote.

With a few exceptions, caregivers must submit their immunization passport before entering the hospital, except for the person accompanying the woman giving birth or the young man under 18 years of age.

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