Illegal Weapons and PCU Fraud | Suspicious cocktail

Illegal Weapons and PCU Fraud |  Suspicious cocktail

Illegal guns and PCU fraud were first implicated in a criminal case in late November. A rapport that spreads in underworld circles.

Philip DeSira-Lessard

Philip DeSira-Lessard

Daniel Renat

Daniel Renat

Illegal weapons. Evidence for Canadian Emergency Benefit (CEP) fraud. And tons of money.

In June 2020, this highly suspected cocktail cost a total of $ 100,000 to attend an illegal banquet interrupted by officers of the Tactical Intervention Committee (GTI) of the Montreal Police Force.

ஸ்னாப்சாட் சமூக வலைப்பின்னலில் தங்களுடைய துப்பாக்கிகள் மற்றும் அவர்களின் சிறிய செல்வம் அடங்கிய பிளாஸ்டிக் பையைக் காண்பிப்பதைக் கண்டு, ஓல்ட் மாண்ட்ரீலில் உள்ள ஏர்பிஎன்பியில் போலீசார் விழுந்தனர். One of the clips of rap musician Elise Harmali (also known as KPG) was filmed in the evening. Many of the participants drag criminal files.

Image from YOUTUBE

Elise Harmali

Last week, Judge Juan Paulin ruled that tens of thousands of dollars in the pockets of 15 people would not be returned to them. For the first time, justice has established a link between illegal weapons and fraud in the PCU.

So, the phone of a person named Mouad Rasmi would have been used to shoot the snapshot video, where the men “manipulated and pointed out” three illegal guns “in the background of rap music”. “An in-depth analysis [du même appareil] Supports the latter’s involvement in the Canadian emergency benefit fraud scheme, ”the judge wrote in his November 23 ruling. The phone specifically contains “personal data and profiles of many third parties”.

Other cheerleaders explained to Judge Poulin that their nest egg came from the PCU.

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Fares Ouassel said the $ 7,000 he had in his pocket came from a federal scheme. Anis Majari did not get out of jail, but he vowed that the equivalent of $ 4,000 in banknotes found with him came from the PCU. Other participants who held thousands of dollars said they had touched a lineage from a foreign country.

According to our study, Mr. Rasmi has not been charged with any fraud.

Money “does not belong to them legally”

This was too much for Judge Poulin, who decided the confiscated $ 100,000 would go to the public treasury.

“Following the GTI’s intervention, money was distributed during the protests and distributed among the respondents […] It does not belong to them legally or individually, “the magistrate wrote.

“This observation is not only from the general circumstances of the police intervention, but also from the specific chronology of the events, from the fact that the bag shown in the snapshot video was not found, from the long delay in evacuating the premises, the actual evidence prepared during the investigation, the circumstances in which the money was seized separately against the fifteen defendants and their testimonies. ”

M. who represented the extravagante Kunar Dubey and Me Serge Lamondagne. Both lawyers declined to comment on the case.

Meanwhile, six of the gamblers were charged with possession of illegal weapons in the wake of a police raid. Three of them, including Elise Harmali, or KPG, pleaded guilty. The other three were released.

Illegal weapons purchased through PCU?

According to our information, some of the people targeted by this ruling are particularly associated with the street gang STL in Saint-Léonard.

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A few months ago, a source close to the criminal community relied Press Members of a street gang in Northeast Montreal – non-STLs – discovered a flaw in the PCU’s allocation system and fraudulently received tens of thousands of dollars used to buy guns on the black market.

According to our evidence, the word may have gone between different gangs or individuals in the criminal community.

According to our information, the police have also received some information from sources in the field.

Press Frances Renaud, commander of the Organized Crime Branch (DCO) of the Service de la Ville de Montreal (SPVM), was asked if the proceeds from the PCU scam could have been used to buy illegal weapons.

“I can not prove that the guns were paid for with PCU scams. Was there a fraud in the PCU? Yes, there were a lot. But all kinds of scams are good. There, we had a PCU, and everyone got into it and found holes with false names, names of the dead, and so on. But to say that this scam was specifically used to buy guns? We have no specific investigation to prove this. But could it be? Of course it can, ”Renat replied.

According to Commander Renat, the price of a handgun on the black market in Montreal varies from $ 3,000 to $ 5,000.

Most of the illegal handguns seized by the SPVM were obtained in various ways, not only from organized crime, but mostly from the United States.

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