The Conservative Party of Canada’s Treasures is overflowing

The Conservative Party of Canada’s Treasures is overflowing

(Ottawa) Analysis of the financial data of block associations across Canada, conducted by a Canadian publication, shows that the Conservative Party’s treasures are overflowing compared to other federal parties.

Jordan Press
The Canadian Press

This analysis is based on the most recent data released on the Election Canada platform. These are the financial statements for the year 2020 sent on July 22 by the registered Electoral District Associations.

According to negotiated figures, local Conservative party associations on average bet less than $ 61,000, which is almost $ 25,000 more than liberal associations. On average, local Liberal Party groups had 36,250 by the end of 2020.

On the side of the NTP and the Green Party, resources are still scarce. Their local associations were 7,123 and, 6,240 at the end of last year, respectively.

The calculations took into account reports submitted by 150 Green Party unions, 234 NDP unions, 143 Liberal Party unions and 251 Conservative Party unions.

About ten Black Cubaco riding associations submitted their annual financial statements during our analysis. On average, the net balance of their treasures, 4 22,416.

Other annual reports have yet to be filed, including the riding associations of Conservative leader Erin O’Toole and Black Cubacos leader Yves-Franசois Blanchett.

According to Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, who represents Babino riding in Montreal, his local association had $ 83,000 as of December 31. The Barnaby South New Democrat Association, represented by Chief Jagmeet Singh, is $ 61,435.

If parties want to brag about their national fundraising campaigns, well-heeled local associations can not only help select candidates, but also support the national election campaign through fundraising.

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Authorized Official Institutions Block Associations to raise donations between election campaigns. David Colleto of Abacus Data said they could use the money to boost local candidacy before the election spending limits come into effect.

The top 10 richest associations in the country are entirely made up of Conservative groups. Conservative MP The Lanerk-Frontenock-Kingston Association in Ontario, represented by Scott Reid, topped the list with a $ 351,000 treasury.

In the liberal camp, the first place goes to the Society of Oakville in Ontario. Public Services and Procurement Minister Anita Anand’s ride had 5,000 205,000.

Among the Greens, it is the association of former chef Elizabeth Maywin in the Sanich-Gulf Islands, which raises more than $ 160,500. Vancouver Kingsway, represented by New Democrat Dan Davis, tops the NDP list, with more than $ 99,000 in the bank.

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