The Govt balance has been darkened by 98 deaths in Quebec

The Govt balance has been darkened by 98 deaths in Quebec

Quebec recorded 98 deaths related to COVID-19 in its report on Thursday, ten more than the previous day.

Read more: 3.6 million quick tests on the way to elementary schools

In the province, less than 14 people were hospitalized in 24 hours, for a total of 3,411 people. On Wednesday, Quebec announced 8 more.

A total of 285 cubes are in intensive care, the same number as the previous day.

“The 3rd dose vaccine is progressing well (104k doses [mardi]) Already 71% of people over the age of 60 have received it. The vaccine against Omicron is the best weapon and can effectively reduce the pressure on our hospitals, ”Health Minister Christian Dubey said on Twitter on Wednesday.

Quebec has registered 6,528 new positive cases among groups of people who have access to screening centers.

Situation in Quebec as of January 20, 2022

  • 818,947 affected (+6,528) *
  • 12,639 deaths (+98)
  • 3411 people have been admitted to the hospital
    • 352 posts
    • 366 publications
  • 285 are in the intensive care unit
    • 43 posts
    • 43 publications
  • 110,351 doses were added, i.e. 104,205 in the last 24 hours and 6,146 before January 19, for a total of 16,801,574 doses given in Quebec.
  • Outside Quebec, a total of 263,787 doses were administered, for a total of 17,065,361 doses received by Quebecs.

The number of cases listed does not represent the situation as access to screening centers is primarily for clients only.

  • Listen to General Policy Analyst Patrick Terry’s column with Benoit Tutric on QUB Radio:

Deaths by region

  • Lower St. Lawrence: 77
  • Saguenay – Lac-Saint-Jean: 303
  • National Capital: 1221
  • Morrissey-and-Center-to-Quebec: 695
  • Estre: 468
  • Montreal: 5072
  • Outdoors: 245
  • Abbitp-Demiscomming: 31
  • North Bank: 6
  • Northern Quebec: 0
  • Caspian – Magdalen Islands: 49
  • Saudier-Appalachians: 456
  • Laval: 983
  • Lonadier: 617
  • Laurentites: 579
  • Montreux: 1825
  • Nunavic: 6
  • Terres-Chris-de-la-Boy-James: 5
  • Unknown: 0
  • Outside Quebec: 1
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Total: 12,639 deaths

Elsewhere in the country

Hospital admissions in Ontario (4061, -71) continue to decline, while the number of those in intensive care remains relatively stable (594 +5). The country’s most populous province on Thursday added another 75 deaths. The previous day, Ontario had identified 59. Like Quebec, Ontario has limited access to PCR tests and 7,757 people have been reported positive for COVID-19.

Ontario Premier Duck Ford is set to hold a press conference later in the morning to announce the lifting of restrictions in the state.

Position in Canada

  • Ontario: 977,194 cases (10,801 deaths)
  • Quebec: 818,947 cases (12,639 deaths)
  • Alberta: 459,497 cases (3,413 deaths)
  • British Columbia: 303,565 cases (2,505 deaths)
  • Manitoba: 112,346 cases (1,478 deaths)
  • Saskatchewan: 103,901 cases (961 deaths)
  • Nova Scotia: 32,385 cases (124 deaths)
  • New Brunswick: 24,001 cases (196 deaths)
  • Newfoundland and Labrador: 13,838 cases (28 deaths)
  • Northwest Territories: 4,372 cases (13 deaths)
  • Prince Edward Island: 5,112 cases (3 deaths)
  • Yukon: 2,747 cases (15 deaths)
  • Nunavut: 1,242 cases (5 deaths)
  • Deported Canadians: 13 cases

Total: 2,859,195 cases (32,181 deaths)

See also

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