Three years in custody for teenager who killed an elderly man

Three years in custody for teenager who killed an elderly man

The teenager escaped adult punishment after cutting off an elderly man on the sidewalk and killing him under the car he was driving without a license, despite receiving the maximum sentence for a minor.

“It simply came to our notice then. You made a bad decision to take the life of a pedestrian who was shopping, ”Judge Jackie Roy lamented in the youth room of a Quebec court yesterday.

The accused, who could not be named under the law, was 17 years old when he committed his crime on March 16 last. The teenager, who has no driving experience, has rented a car to a person on social media.

With two friends by her side, she then began to drive at full speed through the residential streets of the Rivière-des-Prairies district. Police picked it up at 70km / h but could not stop it.

She realized the danger in driving and continued her driving until the accused lost control of the vehicle. Carolina Jollo-Prague, then 79, was attacked.

Investigators examined the scene from top to bottom until nightfall.

Photo Archives, Agencies QMI

Investigators examined the scene from top to bottom until nightfall.

“She never helped the victim,” the judge lamented. After doing what could not be fixed, she left the victim dead and tried to evade her responsibilities. “

Broken family

After the tragedy, Mrs. Jolo-Prague’s family never recovered.

“She was a dedicated woman, in perfect health,” his children explained in a letter read to the court, where they denounced the “foolish act.”

Despite her age, the woman was her mother’s main supporter, almost a hundred years old. A few weeks after the events, the latter had to be placed in the CHSLD.

“She is depressed and asks the Lord to come and take her with her daughter,” the letter says.

Mrs. Jollo-Bracca’s husband was just as devastated as his children.

⁇ [Le drame] He took a life and ruined a family, ”they explained.

The accused, who surrendered to police after being believed by his mother, has pleaded guilty to driving a dangerous vehicle and causing death.

But if the crown thinks it seeks adult punishment, it must change its mind after the statement that the accused has taken charge of his life.


“We have a great reception because the events are completely different,” said one worker, who is accused and well known to the Directorate of Youth Protection (DPJ) for protesting against interventions in the past.

But despite the possibilities for rehabilitation, there is no doubt that the accused will receive a lenient sentence. So she was detained for a maximum of three years, including two in DPJ’s closed company.

“The victim’s son told me that his mother was very religious and focused on forgiveness.

– With Valerie Gondier

What was said

“Our mother was a wonderful person who dedicated her life to her family, friends and community. She always had a special thought about sick children. “

– Children of Caroline Solo-Brocca

“You do not want to cause death, it is not intentional, yet it is the result of your decisions, your actions, your mistakes.”

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– Judge Jackie Roy

“The accused appears to be actively involved in the rehabilitation process. However, it is unfortunate that it took the irreplaceable act of taking someone’s life to get there. “

– Judge Jackie Roy

“Relatives of Carolyn Solo-Brock have lost a devout man in a foolish act. “

– Judge Jackie Roy

“It simply came to our notice then. They are very shocked. “

– m Simon Robin, Crohn

“While this is not a sentence for adults, it is a very important sentence that we rarely see.”

– m Simon Robin, Crohn

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