4 Best Cloud Service Providers

4 Best Cloud Service Providers

You can only choose a cloud service provider once, and you cannot make a mistake. Moving data from one cloud service to another is a nightmare, and the last thing that anyone wants is to go through all these hassles.

All companies need security and reliability, especially those that handle finances, like banks or online casinos where we enjoy playing Canadian slots for other real money games. As such, it is imperative to make the right choice at the get-go. To help you do that, below are the four best cloud service providers that you can choose from.

Amazon Web Services (AWS)

Amazon is a leader in cloud services. It has more than 165 data centres in the world. On top of the sheer number of their servers, they also have a formidable list of services.

Here is what they offer:

  • Virtual Private Cloud
  • DynamoDB
  • Elastic Compute Cloud
  • Database Services
  • CloudTrail
  • Email and Notification Services

With Amazon, clients have a guarantee that their information is secure. The size and coverage of Amazon’s network also ensure speed and reliability. AWS offers integrity in infrastructure, security of data and even protection against DDoS. On top of this, they are prepared for mitigating problems that may occur. They have inventory and monitoring systems, identification systems and carious penetration testing procedures.

As a global company, Amazon’s cloud services bring to the table several compliances. They have over 40 certifications from the US and global entities.

What makes Amazon a leader in this industry is the vast collection of its machines. A customer can do what he/she wants to tailor-fit how the system works and build their desired cloud network. Since Amazon has a wide array of services, from building databases to building e-commerce stores.

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Microsoft Azure

Microsoft Azure is growing fast and only got into the game years after Amazon and Google launched theirs. It is a promising company under the umbrella of Microsoft, and it even won a government contract to the tune of $10 billion.

There are three main segments in Azure’s services: Productivity & Business Processes, Intelligent Cloud and Personal Computing.

Here is what they offer:

  • AI+ Machine Learning
  • DevOps
  • Database
  • Blockchain Technology
  • Analytics
  • Mixed Reality
  • Security and Storage
  • Virtual Desktops for Windows

Azure is an attractive option because of its supremacy in computer intelligence. It is the foundation of the entire system, which makes it possible for Windows Desktops to run in a virtual environment.

To prove the company’s belief in its servers, it has moved its Office Suite into the Azure Cloud. Examples of these are Sharepoint, Office 365 and Power BI. Users can also enjoy other services such as UI, workflows and interfaces.

Google Cloud

Google has similar services to Amazon and Azure. It offers cloud computing servers and databases, among other things.

Here is what they offer:

  • AI Machine learning
  • API Management
  • Computing and Container services
  • Gaming and Media
  • Security and Identity software and processes
  • Hybrid and Multi-Cloud Services

Like Microsoft, Google is a testament to its trust in its product. Many Google products that people use are in this cloud. Examples of these are the G-Suite, Google Maps, Chrome Enterprise, Android Enterprise, and so much more.

Google, being an international company, offers its cloud services in over 20 regions. They cover more than 200 countries, and the revenue of this arm of Google is about $8 billion per year.

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Google Cloud works on both Windows and Linux platforms. One thing they did well was that people who use the Cloud system do not need to be coding masters. They revised the graphical user interface (GUI) and made it easier to toggle systems.

Alibaba Cloud

Last on this list is Alibaba Cloud, the leading provider in Asia. While Alibaba has been in business for a long while, it only launched cloud services in 2009. Its headquarters is in Singapore, and it started out as a cloud management system for Alibaba’s e-commerce platform.

Now, Alibaba offers its cloud services to the public. Like the previous three, they offer a myriad of services. Alibaba has offices in 13 countries spread on four continents.

Here is what they offer:

  • Elastic Computing Technology
  • Cloud Storage and CDN
  • Database Service and Networking
  • Security Management
  • Monitoring Management
  • Data Technology and Analytics

Alibaba has a footprint in 19 global regions. It may not be as big as Google, but it is on the right track to one day stand against these US giants.

Alibaba is a little more generous compared to the other three. It offers a free trial for more than 50 of its services. They also offer super low prices. For example, people can build a website on the platform for as low as $1.99 per month.

One size does not fit all. If you need cloud computing services, understand the features that you need. From here, you can validate whether or not the service provider can give you what you are looking for. Of course, price is a factor that you certainly have to consider. Cloud services are not cheap. You need to compare prices and see which company can give you the best value for your money.

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