Omigron: “In decline”, New Brunswick takes action | Covit-19 in the Atlantic

Omigron: “In decline”, New Brunswick takes action |  Covit-19 in the Atlantic

Plane Hicks Positive for Govt-19

Prime Minister Plane Hicks On Wednesday he announced that he had tested positive for COVID-19 and would undergo a confirmatory laboratory test.

He said he and his family were isolating themselves and they were all fine. He continues to telecommunicate comparing his symptoms to the common cold.

Elsewhere in the Atlantic:

M. Hicks Covit-19 was reported to receive two doses of the vaccine and a booster dose. He hopes his symptoms will be milder as a result. His entire family has been fully vaccinated, he said.

Plane Hicks He almost attended a press conference on Friday morning, during which his two ministers and the chief health official announced several measures to slow the spread of COVID-19.

A death, daily record of new cases

Public Health released Friday a new record of 682 COVID-19 cases in New Brunswick and the death of an infected person in the St. John area.

This will be the 151st death due to covit in the province in 2021, and the 160th death since the outbreak.

After all, the province is in the 2nd phase of its winter plan (New window).

682 new cases according to the health zone

  • Zone 1 (Moncton Area): 228
  • Zone 2 (Saint-Gene area): 265
  • Zone 3 (Fredericton Area): 43
  • Zone 4 (Edmundston area): 100
  • Zone 5 (Campbellton area): 3
  • Zone 6 (of the region) Fatherst): 26
  • Zone 7 (Miramichi Zone): 17

Reducing services in hospitals

The Minister of Health announced that the hospitals of the two health networks are shifting to the emergency service formula, Dorothy Shepherd. Therefore selected surgeries and laboratory analysis services may be postponed.

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We are in the worst situation our province has ever seen since the onset of the Govt-19 epidemic., The Minister said during a press conference.

As we have seen in other provinces, the omigran variant of the virus that causes Govit-19 cannot be stopped. However, we can and should take action to slow its spread.

A quote Dorothy Shepherd, New Brunswick Health Minister

Horizon Health Network announced all its hospitals already at noon on Friday At the same time To the red alert point.

Therefore surgical and selective medical interventions are postponed. Emergency appointments at outpatient clinics are also postponed.

Community visits are not allowed, but exceptions are made for designated sponsors.

Vitalité Health Network announced on Friday afternoon that it was moving to a red alert stage in its hospitals.

Again, emergency rooms are open and some select surgeries are postponed.

Although some services may experience depression, patients may still have their blood tested.

Online school

In education, schools will return to online learning from January 11 for at least two weeks until January 21, Education and Child Development Minister Dominic announced. Cardi.

He said the decision would be reconsidered in the week of January 17.

Changes in screening tests

From the end of the day on January 4, the experiments were analyzed in the laboratory (Polymerase chain reaction evaluation) Will be assigned to the following persons:

  • Those in high-risk settings, including health workers and those living or working in long-term care facilities, homeless shelters and rehabilitation facilities;
  • People 50 years of age and older with symptoms;
  • People with immunodeficiency or symptoms of pregnancy;
  • Persons requiring PCR testing to travel;
  • Other people who are prioritized by public health.
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For others, a positive result on a quick test may be considered confirmed. From next week, people will be able to post their results on the provincial government’s Govt-19 website.

Each person should inform their close contacts

Communication tracking in every case is no longer possible for public health. It will do so mainly in the case of highly vulnerable people.

Medical officers will tell other people affected by the disease to contact themselves.

Reduced isolation period

The period of isolation of those with COVID-19 will be reduced to prevent staff shortages in essential services to the people, including health care, water, electricity, law enforcement, food supply and education.

Vaccinated people who have tested positive, as well as close contacts who have been vaccinated, should isolate themselves for only 5 days.

Those who have not been vaccinated, those who have tested positive, and their asymptomatic non-vaccinated close relatives should be self-isolated for 10 days.

Once the isolation period is over, these individuals can leave the mask at all times and avoid all meetings and vulnerable environment for an additional five days.

According to DRe Jennifer Russell, New Brunswick’s Chief Medical Officer of Health, These measures will reduce the risk of infection as long as people respect them.

Forecast: Up to 1000 new cases per day

The provincial government estimates that up to 1,000 new cases could be identified daily within a week.

The Omigran variant is highly contagious and spreads rapidly, with fewer hospital admissions than the delta variant.

The minister says the Omicron hospital admission rate is less than one in 100 patients compared to Delta, which has a rate of 6 per 100. Dorothy Shepherd.

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However, it is expected that the high number of cases expected due to Omicron will lead to more hospitalization.

The number of cases is worrying. If we attack 1,000 patients a day, we could see 160 Govt-19 patients in New Brunswick hospitals in mid-January. This will quickly overwhelm our health care providers. This will affect the ability to provide essential health care, The Minister explained.

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